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Metric Classes

Base Class

The Metric class is the base class for all metrics. It provides a common interface for all metrics, and it is used to create new metrics.

A valid metric must implement the following methods:

  • compute: compute the metric
  • schema: return the output schema of the metric

Let’s see an example: consider (a simplified version of) the TokenCount metric.

class TokenCount(Metric):
Calculate the number of tokens in the retrieved context.
def __init__(self) -> None:
def compute(self, retrieved_context:List[str], **kwargs):
ctx = "\n".join(retrieved_context)
num_tokens = int(len(ctx) / 4.0)
return {"num_tokens": num_tokens}
def schema(self):
return {"num_tokens": Field(type=int)}

It is important to annotate the arguments of the compute method with the expected type. This is used to validate the input of the metric and provide the args property. Also, it is important to add the **kwargs argument to the compute method.

Optionally, you can add a help property or add a docstring to the class to provide a description of the metric.

Step-by-Step Explanation

The provided code defines a Python class named TokenCount, which is a subclass of a base class called Metric. This class is designed to compute a specific metric related to token counting in a given context. Here’s a step-by-step explanation of the code:

Class Definition

class TokenCount(Metric):

This line defines a new class TokenCount that inherits from the Metric class. This means TokenCount will have access to all methods and properties of Metric.

Constructor Method

def __init__(self) -> None:

The __init__ method is the constructor for the TokenCount class. It initializes a new instance of the class, in particular it will inherit the batch processing method.

The method supports both CPU-bound and GPU-bound processing. super().__init__(is_cpu_bound=True) calls the constructor of the parent class (Metric) and passes an argument is_cpu_bound=True, indicating that this metric may be CPU-bound. The performance of the metric is heavily influenced by the is_cpu_bound flag, so make sure to set it to True if the metric is CPU-bound.

You can also disable multi-processing by setting disable_multiprocessing=True. Alternatively, you can implement your own batch method.

Compute Method

def compute(self, retrieved_context, **kwargs):
ctx = "\n".join(retrieved_context)
num_tokens = int(len(ctx) / 4.0)
return {"num_tokens": num_tokens}

The compute method is responsible for calculating the metric. It takes retrieved_context as an input, which is expected to be a list of strings. It is mandatory to implement this method.

The method returns a dictionary containing the computed number of tokens: {"num_tokens": num_tokens}.

Schema Property

def schema(self):
return {"num_tokens": Field(type=int)}

The schema property defines the output structure of the metric. This can be inferred from the compute method as well.

Field(type=int) indicates that the value associated with "num_tokens" is expected to be of type integer.

Default Metrics

Continuous-eval provides a set of default metrics that are useful for evaluating the performance of a model. These metrics are implemented in the metrics module.